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Transportacion [Logistics]

Transport: Special event pick up & Drop off free for local Church services but also avaliable at a cost for Airpot and city to city transporation on a schedule basis.


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Damas [Womans Ministry]

Date [Dias]: 2nd Tuesday of the Month [Segundo Martes del Mes]

Temas: Sanidad interior, Amiga Secreta, Educacion Matrimonial, Maternidad, Educacion Sexual, Mayordomia Matrimonial, Modestia y Modas, Menopausia y mis Cambios quimicos en mi  Salud,  Vida espiritual, Que es Ser Mujer y Identidad Biblica entre otros Temas

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Caballeros [Mens Ministry]

Date [Dia]: 3rd Tuesday of the Month [Tercer Martes del Mes]

Temas: Ser Varon, Sanidad Interior, Sexualidad, Pudor e Intimidad, Conceto Biblico de Matrimonio y Familia, Control de Caracter, Salud, Capacitacion y Mentoria patriacal.

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Ancianos [Senior Care Ministry]

Dates [Dias]: 3rd Wednesday [Tercer Miercoles del Mes]

Temas: Como ser un Mentor a tus Generaciones (Raises), Como Lidear con tu Conocimiento y Fuerzas para el Ministerio, Matrimonio y Relacion en esta Edad, Entendimiento Bilblico productivo para mi Crecimento, Preparacion y Educacion. Servicios Sociales y ayudas Sociales. Dios y mi Identidad Espirirual.

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Educacion Familiar [Familty Educational Ministry]

Dates [Dias]: 4th Wednesday of the month [Quarto Miercoles del Mes]

Temas: Matrimonio, Salud, Amor, Educacion sexual, Mayordomia, Edicacion Authoritativa Biblica, Mentoramiento de Hijos, Fidelidad Conyugal, Adulterio, Fornicacion, Tentacion, Fidelidad, Valores y Legado.

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Technologia, Arte y Adoracion [Technology, Arts & worship Ministry]

Dates [Dias]: Thursday Nigths [Jueves en la Noche}

Temas: Como Implemetar la Technologia Combinada para la evangelizacion dentro del servicio en la adoracion, educaion y predica.

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Pastora Care Definition [Definicion de Cuidado Pastoral]

 Many people have a misunderstanding of what exactly pastors do, thinking that their primary responsibility is preaching on Sunday. The joke that pastors only work one day a week could not be further from the truth. Beyond preparing and delivering a sermon, pastors provide biblical counseling, visit the sick and injured in hospitals, and disciple members of the congregation through phone calls, lunch meetings, and other social engagements. Many pastors serve as chaplains in hospitals, the military, workplaces, schools, and prisons. All of these ministries are aspects of pastoral care.

In reality, pastoral-care ministries are just as valuable as the delivery of a sermon. Caring for a person who is struggling with a difficulty, being present during a time of pain, praying with someone in a crisis—these are the moments when spiritual breakthroughs occur. Ministering through a good, biblically sound sermon is absolutely necessary. But ministering through a personal touch, i.e., pastoral care, is just as important.

Pastoral care refers to the ministries/services usually performed by a pastor. The core idea of “pastoral care” is that pastors are to care. The word pastor comes from the Latin word for “shepherd.” A pastor is to be a shepherd or caretaker of God’s flock. “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2-3, emphasis added).